Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where is your location?
A. We are located at 30 Muller Avenue, at the end of Slocum Ave & Muller Ave.

Q. How do I get started?
A. To get started at CrossFit Norwalk call or text us at 203-939-1040 or email us at info@crossfitnorwalk.com. Your first week of classes is always free! We also offer one-on-one personal training.

Q. What is a WOD?
A. WOD stands for Workout Of the Day.

Q. What is a class like?
A. Classes are 1 hour. We start with a warm up, followed by mobility and instruction in the skills that we will be performing in the workout. Then we do the WOD! Workouts include a combination of strength, conditioning and gymnastics.

Q. Is CrossFit too hard for an average person to do?
A. CrossFit is accessible to anyone at any fitness level and all ages. Every movement of every workout can be modified to your fitness level and ability. 

Q. Why does CrossFit cost more than my current gym?
A. CrossFit is like having a personal trainer for a fraction of the price. At CrossFit Norwalk, every workout is created by the coach and you get coaching in the class for the full hour! 

Q. I’m new to CrossFit, can I do the workouts?
A. CrossFit Norwalk has a welcoming, friendly atmosphere where members can get a workout designed for any age and level of fitness. 


Monday - Thursday: 5:00 AM - 7:30 PM

Friday: 5:00 AM - 6:30 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Contact us for a Free Intro Class!

Contact Us

Keep in Touch

Crossfit Norwalk

30 Muller Ave,

Norwalk, CT 06851

Phone. 203-939-1040